I love to create. Whether it's stringing words together to make a story or a poem, or making powerpoints, digital scrapbooks or publications, I'm there 100%.
My vision is to be the Recorder of Truth.
I want to help bring the true identity of Jesus to the masses, in order to fill the void in their lives.
My mission is to Write Stories.
Stories about people struggling with real issues, seeking answers, and finding real purpose through the Hope of Jesus Christ.
I've participated regularly in Faithwriters.com weekly writing challenges.To read some of the stories I've entered in the Weekly Challenge's click HERE!
I have had several devotional pieces published at an online Christian devotional site and I am a 2009 NaNoWriMo winner!
I have been writing since I was a child (Little Orange Typewriter-- true story) and although I have more than one (unpublished, raw, desperately in need of edit) manuscript lying around, my preferred genre is the short story. (less work to rewrite-- I hate the rewrite process!!)
My spelling would be atrocious without spell check, my grammar needs serious work and my typing relies heavily on the hunt and peck method. Still, I hope to use this blog as an extra incentive to crank out some more creativity. Because without that outlet, I'd be lost.