I've written a few.
I have one done in long hand, on unlined, yellow with age, scrapbook paper, tucked into a box stored under my bed. Or maybe it's up on a shelf in the closet. I wrote it during my 'prison years' when I was married to that other guy and not allowed to do anything outside of his control. I wrote on the sly, because he'd already discovered my journals and destroyed them when he read how I'd poured out my heart and soul. I was much more careful after that, denying true feelings for ones that were safer, benign. I only let the real feelings out of the box when I was crafting a made up story, and even that had to be done with finesse, lest he interpret the truth.
Now I have the freedom to write what I want, when I want. My husband is my #1 fan. I wrote a novel in 2009 for NANOWRIMO -- write a novel of over 50,000 words in 30 days... and if you do, CreateSpace will print you one proof for free. That my husband would not only sit and read this novel, about a young girl struggling to find healing in a world full of hurts, but even shed some tears over certain sections, really astounds me.
I wrote a second novel the following summer, just for the fun of it. Well, maybe fun is the wrong word, but there was no challenge involved and it was time to start telling some of my story. It's not a 'true-story-only-the-names-have-been-changed' novel, but it does draw from my own experiences and journey to healing in some ways. Hubby hasn't read this one... yet. but he plans to.
Both novels need rewriting. I have said this before but that's the part I hate. I have a story to tell and I want-- HAVE -- to get it out. Once I do, then it's like I'm done! Let's move on to a new one. Except I think my stories are good enough to share because there is a message of hope, healing, redemption, in them and I do want to share that with others. And others might not read them if they are weighted down with grammatical errors and typos and funky sentence structure.
I need an editor.
A thought has occurred to me that since THIS blog is for my creative writing, where as my other blog is for more day to day experiences in my Christian Walk, perhaps I should use this blog to rewrite a novel, making each chapter a post.... it's a thought and I think it's a good one. I just need to stop thinking and start doing!
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Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to visit. I welcome constructive critiques on my writing.