Monday, June 30, 2014

A Breath of Fresh Air

I love going outside after a rainfall, when the air still feels fresh and moist. I'll breathe in deep and let out an audible sigh as the dampness that signifies a good washing down permeates my nose. I love to open a window on a warm day and feel the coolness a breeze brings. It refreshes as it delights. We all need a breath of fresh air don't we?

Speaking of fresh air, I want to share with you a delightful website that is all about a breath of fresh air! Yes, that is the name of the website: Breath of Fresh Air Press.It's a little publisher with a lot of heart, to quote from the website. BOFA is a Christian Publisher of encouraging, inspiring, fun fiction and non-fiction. I first learned of BOFA through my participation in Faithwriters, an online writing experience, where I entered weekly writing challenges. Because of the writing challenge, some of my short stories received the coveted Editor's Choice award, which were then selected to be published in anthologies. It's been awhile in coming but, the first of many (29 I believe) has at last been sent to the printers and are now available in the online bookstore at Breath of Fresh Air Press. 

I am SUPER excited to share this news with you because..... uh-huh-hum. One of MY short stories is in it!!! The book is called Mixed Blessings; Simple Pleasures. I will be having some of my stories appear in more books which will be coming out over the next several months. 

For someone who has been writing stories since she was about 10 years old, to have something published is really quite amazing, not to mention, such an honor! 

I hope you will take some time to check out BOFA's website and consider purchasing the book. You are sure to be blessed by the uplifting, fun, eclectic collection of simple pleasures!

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Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to visit. I welcome constructive critiques on my writing.