Thursday, January 19, 2012

Writing Prompts!

Clark shifted in the lumpy old booth. His break was too short for ripped upholstery but there was little he could do about it. He had 15 minutes in which to sip his coffee and surreptitiously watch the love of his life. With her wispy figure, brow furrowed and nose buried in a book, she was utterly captivating.

An unpleasant odor began to permeate the air. Still, until smoke billowed from the kitchen he gave no thought to the beans simmering on the stove. 

Across the diner, Maizy turned another page in her book, oblivious to all but Mr. Darcy.

( using the prompts: "Waiter" and  "what's that smell")

I found these writing prompts on this blog under her January Contest tab. Using the prompts and following the 100 word limit, these are what I've crafted over the last couple of days.

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Awesome! Thanks for taking the time to visit. I welcome constructive critiques on my writing.