Sunday, December 16, 2012

Advent Sunday ~ Joy

Scripture Reading: Genesis 21. 1-7

3rd Sunday of Advent; Joy

 (Relight candles 1 and 2)

Joy is an emotion evoked by well- being, success or by the prospect of possessing what one desires.
Today our scripture reading will tell of the joy that comes with the birth of a child.  Abraham and Sarah in their golden years, bring forth a son. They named him Isaac, a name that exudes joy, as its meaning is almost literally ‘laughter”.

Rachel, who also waited years for a child, received what she desired, when she gave birth to Joseph. The bible tells us that Jacob too was filled with delight; ‘he loved Joseph more than all his other sons because he was the child of his old age.’

As we celebrate Advent we too look forward with joy, as we trust in God to always keep his promises.

(Light candle 3)

Prayer: God of Joy, how you delight in keeping your promises. We can trust You to keep your word!  You gave children to Sarah and Rachel, and then fulfilled the ultimate promise: your son, our Savior.  Thank you for the joy we receive when we turn to you. In spite of troubles you tell us to consider it all joy. In the face of testing, we find strength in your joy. Amen.

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