Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 5. 1-14, John 6. 1-15
Sunday in Advent: Love
(Re-light candles 1, 2, 3)
Love; that intense emotion that has kept both poet and musician inspired for centuries. According to philosophers, the only goal in life is to be happy. And there is only one happiness in life; to love and be loved.
Love; that intense emotion that has kept both poet and musician inspired for centuries. According to philosophers, the only goal in life is to be happy. And there is only one happiness in life; to love and be loved.
quote from Mother Teresa says “the hunger for love is much more difficult to
remove then the hunger for bread”
our scripture reading will tell of the love that is shown through actions. A
young servant girl encourages her master to seek healing from the prophet
Elisha. A young boy is moved to share his small lunch with the hungry crowd.
can learn a lot about love just by watching our children. They love
unconditionally, without reservation or hesitation. Jesus says that unless we
come with acceptance like a child we will not inherit the kingdom of God.
greatest display of love ever known to mankind came in the form of a helpless
babe: for God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten son, that who
so ever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life.
the 4th candle)
God of Love, you showed us the ultimate in love when you sent your son to live
among us. You showed us love in the sacrifice of your only son. You show us
love through the forgiveness of our sins, past, present and future. Hallelujah,
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